George throws parties for a living. His life revolves around creating the perfect celebration for any occasion: weddings, proms, quinceneras or Sweet 16s, awards banquets, corporate events, you name it. A retired, injured military man, George was thrown into this new career by his wife when they couldn't find a party location suitable for his daughter's Quincenera six years ago. His wife suggested they open their own reception hall.
What's unique about George's business (although I can't be positive, because I've never thrown a big party before) is that for a very low price, he provides food, drinks, dessert, a DJ, decorations, and clean-up! He was 1/3 the price of other places I searched out during my quest to find a location for my school's prom this year. We've held prom there before but I was never the organizer.
I am amazed at the quality George provides, but looking at him one would assume he doesn't know anything about color or fabric. George operates his business with the help of his wife, daughter and son. He was tired of feeling lazy after a military injury forced him to retire early.
I suppose being a party planner is much like being a flower delivery person. Except for the occasional funeral delivery, your clients are very happy to see you.
George has stories. Oh, man does he have stories. Like the wedding that was so blended it puts Jamba Juice to shame: a groom and a bride, two ex's on each side, parents of the bride and groom plus THEIR new spouses, half-cousins, step-grandchildren, sisters-in-law, and grandpa's new 27-year-old girlfriend. Oh, and the three-legged dog that escorted the bride down the aisle. No joke. Surprisingly, no cops had to be called that evening.
Police are on George's speed dial, in addition to a contracted security company who George uses almost weekly to provide private security guards.
I am excited to have George host my upcoming prom. For a vet, he really knows what he's doing. My students are stoked about getting dressed up and acting like a grown-up. Let's just hope George doesn't need to use that speed dial.
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