Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friend #2

I saw him at the bus stop this morning. 7:20am. I drive past this city bus stop every day and wave to a few of my students who are patiently waiting for their bus. Today, however, there was a new body at that stop. A boy/man (???) who was sitting on the curb, his legs in that small space between safety and amputation-by-car. Dangerous, I thought. Perhaps even dumb.

Noon. I began teaching a Pop Culture class last week and I am in Heaven in that class because it's not a "Core class" with strict standards. I wrote the agenda on the board and when I turned around "Living on the Edge Boy" was at my podium, asking where he should sit. New enrollee. Admin always puts the fresh meat in my class; they know I'll take really good care of them, make them feel safe, and help them make aquaintences. His name is Joe*. Today is his 18th birthday. I usually try to leave my new kids alone for the first class so they don't feel smothered by this weird lady wearing really high heels.

After class, I asked him to stay behind so I could make sure he had all the materials he'd need for my class. "I noticed you turned 18 today. Happy Birthday, but it's a bit curious that you'd start a new school on your Freedom Day." "Yeah", is all he said, which was hardly audible since his head was turned way down. I asked him how he liked our school so far and he said (with a snicker), "It's better than my last school." Our conversation developed into an awkward yet satisfying mix of facts and anecdotes.

Joe was homeschooled by his very controlling and very abusive, morbidly obese mother. He has been telling her since he was 14 that the day he turned 18 he would move out and go to a real school. And he did.

*not his real name


  1. A follow up...I mentioned the bus stop scenario to my co-worker Robin, and she saw this boy at the bus stop and thought the SAME things as I did when I drove by!

  2. I thought of this post today on my bus ride home. As the bus made its way through downtown Seattle I saw this middle aged lady sitting on the curb smoking and drinking a diet coke like it was the most normal place to be sitting during rush hour traffic. I wonder what her story is.
