Thursday, April 29, 2010

Friend #17

Susan is the woman who has been making the "Prop 100" window stickers for the teachers at my son's school. I met her today (stalked her, tracked her down, creepily waited for her to arrive...whatever you want to call it). I ordered some stickers for my teachers and friends while Susan listened to me rant about the Proposition that she obviously believes very strongly in, as I do. After five minutes of her gracious listening, she said, "You DO know that I'm for the Prop, right?" I guess I've been so used to defending the bill to strangers and aquaintances that having someone who already knows about it was refreshing, albeit strange. I felt as though I could relax around Susan. I've been compaigning for it for two months now and she was too!
At that moment, I randomly asked Susan, "You know the cliche cartoon where two men are wandering the desert and meet in the middle and they both realize they're both in the exact same predicament?" She said, "Yeaahhh?..." "That's US!" I said, as I pointed back-and-forth to the two of us. "You're SO right!" she said.
And a weight was lifted off of my right then. I realized that I wasn't fighting this alone.
My overly controlling ego has a way of taking over when I realize that something big is at stake. I resist all deligation opportunities and end up doing things myself in order to "get them done right." Well, Susan is doing it also doing it right...her way, but also the right way.

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